Re4Earth Cares
We strongly believe that we can GROW & CHANGE together. So, we are committed to always working towards sustainable change, showing appreciation to your support. We are also fans of transparency, that's why a report with all of our actions will be published on an annual basis.
Below you will learn more about how Re4Earth CARES!
1. Our partners are handpicked!
We are doing great research before we select anyone to work with - from our suppliers to our contractors. We want to collaborate with honest & reliable professionals that share the same green values as we do. It is really difficult to find it for all aspects of business, so we try to keep the best possible balance in this direction.
Our product range is eco-friendly, zero-waste & made of ethically-sourced raw materials, by valuable suppliers
Our product packaging is made out of FSC-certified, recycled paper & it is 100% plastic-free
Our e-shop packages are 100% plastic-free
We use mailers & stickers from Noissue, while we have joined their Eco-Alliance Community. Our mailers are 100% recycled. Made from Recycled Plastics, the mailers we have chosen give already in circulation a second life. They will also have a second adhesive strip so that they can be reused by you once more, and once they have served their purpose, you can recycle them where soft plastics are accepted. Our branded stickers -used for our e-shop packages- are made from FSC-certified, acid-free, uncoated paper, made from cellulose fiber. They are printed with soy-based inks & the non-toxic adhesive keeps them home-compost-friendly! Last, but not least, for every order we place at Noissue for our packaging materials, they plant trees in areas in need of reforestation. Learn more here.
2. We donate with every single purchase through our E-Shop!
We appreciate your support to us, so we give back with every purchase you make. We have selected Stripe as our payment processing platform for all e-commerce transactions. We decided as well to be part of Stripe Climate, a coalition of businesses accelerating carbon removal. No company can stop climate change by itself. Stripe Climate aggregates funds from forward-thinking businesses around the world to increase demand for carbon removal.
Two examples from Stripe Climate portfolio of scientific experts:
Climeworks uses renewable geothermal energy and waste heat to capture CO₂ directly from the air, concentrate it, and permanently sequester it underground in basaltic rock formations with Carbfix. Climeworks will remove 322 tons of CO₂ on behalf of Stripe Climate businesses.
Charm Industrial has created a novel carbon removal pathway that converts biomass into bio-oil and then injects it deep underground for permanent geologic storage. Stripe Climate was Charm’s first customer. In 2021, Charm removed 416 tons of CO₂ on behalf of Stripe Climate businesses.
If you are a Re4Earth® e-shop customer you have already joined us in scaling carbon removal,
since we contribute to Stripe Climate with 1% of every single purchase. Learn more here.
3. We take actions that matter!
While we believe donations will help to drive change, we also believe that sometimes you have to take real action, because nobody can change the world with his own pair of hands.
Apart from the donations, we support selected organizations by voluntarily participating in their actions.
We are proudly participating in the pioneering WWF citizen science initiative "Adopt A Beach" to combat plastic pollution.
It is not just a one-time beach clean-up: the process involves collecting, counting, recording and uploading the amount of litter to WWF database.
We are committed to cleaning our adopted beach, next to Peace & Friendship Stadium at Piraeus, four times a year in predetermined months to monitor seasonal patterns in terms of litter pollution in order to record how the amount and the composition vary according to the season.
This procedure & analysis is a prerequisite for tackling the problem. Learn more about WWF initiative here.
We will be sharing updates & data on the cleaning visits on our social media accounts & website blog, so stay tuned!
4. We have developed a special donating scheme for corporate partners!
As we do for all Re4Earth® e-shop retail sales, we want to connect our B2B sales with the meaning of giving back, as well.
For every purchase made by a corporate customer, we are committed to donating a specific percentage of the total amount of this transaction to a Non Governmental Organization that drives environmental and/or sustainability change.
We have selected some accredited NGOs that we strongly believe in the cause they support, their efforts & their results. Our corporate customer is free to choose among them, based on organizations' actions or a logic connection that the corporate customer might have with a specific cause.
Of course we will always try to keep a balance between our selected NGO's in order all of them can receive donations once in a while.
The list of the NGOs is dynamic, that's why we will always review their work & we will always research for new additions.
Moreover, we always motivate our corporate customers to do their own part of giving back, by donating a desired percentage of our common transaction, to the same cause. The second part of donation is at each corporate customer's discretion & it will always be over and above our own donation amount.
Selected NGO's:
We4All is a non-profit Environmental Organization that was created during summer of 2018, by two friends, after the time of the disastrous wildfires of Marathon area in Greece. Its mission is to help Earth heal and to remind people she is our home, before it is too late.
We4all main activities: Tree Planting / Reforestation actions, Seminars & Lectures in schools and other organizations to raise Environmental Awareness. We4all is an official partner of the UN for reforestation & environmental programs.
They have planted more than 200.000 new trees and they have educated more than 35.000 kids, until today. Learn more about We4All here.

iSea is a Non - Profit Civil Partnership for the protection of Aquatic Ecosystems that was founded in 2016 in Thessaloniki. The overall aim of iSea is to preserve, protect and restore the precious and unique heritage of the natural aquatic environment. The organization’s activities focus on the following four pillars: Aquatic litter, Aquatic and Human Ecosystems, Citizen science and Vulnerable species. To achieve its goals iSea uses different tools varying from scientific research to environmental education. Find out more about the organization's latest activities here.